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Spotlight Profile – Dr. Wing Kit Choi, Psychiatrist

In this spotlight profile, we are speaking to Dr. Wing Kit Choi, a forensic psychiatrist based in Hong Kong at Alpha Clinic. Dr. Choi is a former deputy chief of service in forensic psychiatry at Castle Peak Hospital and is currently working as a private psychiatrist at Alpha Clinic and is also an honorary clinical associate professor at The University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Choi, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and training?

I am a specialist in psychiatry. I graduated from Hong Kong University (“HKU”), and also have a Master’s Degree in Criminology. Thereafter, I obtained my membership at The Royal College of Psychiatrists and became a fellow of The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and specialist in psychiatry in 2006. Throughout my career, I have received intensive local and overseas training in forensic psychiatry.

Apart from practicing as a private psychiatrist at the Alpha Clinic in Hong Kong, I also teach medical students at HKU and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (“CUHK”) as an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor. I am also the Subspecialty Spokesperson in Forensic Psychiatry at the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and was the Consultant Psychiatrist and Deputy Chief of Service at the Department of Forensic Psychiatry at Castle Peak Hospital.

I am approved by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority for the purpose of Section 2(2) of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136) (“MHO”) as having special experience in the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders or having special experience in the assessment or determination of mental handicaps. My clinical practice involves psychiatric risk assessment, management of mentally-disordered offenders, conducting psychiatric assessment and writing psychiatric reports for medicolegal purposes. I have been repeatedly appointed as a psychiatric expert witness in the High Court and have prepared psychiatric reports to different levels of Courts and law enforcement agencies. Other than criminal cases, I also provide medical assessments and reports for civil matters and have experience of acting as an expert witness in matrimonial proceedings.

That is an impressive resume and it is such an honour to speak with you given your extensive experience.

We are in a very sensitive era and globally it is estimated that 1 in 7 adolescents are experiencing a mental disorder with many teens citing depression and anxiety as a key issue of struggle.  What have you been experiencing in your private practice with respect to adolescents in Hong Kong and the issues they are struggling with?

Adolescents in Hong Kong are facing a wide range of mental health issues, as Hong Kong is a fast-paced society, schools in Hong Kong are demanding, not only in terms of academics but also on all-rounded development for students.

Children and youths in Hong Kong tend to grow up with a busy lifestyle, with lots of extra-curricular activities on top of academic requirements. Many children and youths do not cope well and it becomes very stressful for them in terms of chaotic time management which results in anxiety, worrying about not meeting deadlines due to heavy workloads and not doing their best in terms of academic performance. Children and youths also experience stress which can come from parents and also competition with peers /siblings on academic results or other areas of achievements. This can result in depression. Some youths may find themselves not doing their best which makes them question his/her own ability.

Coinciding with the pandemic in recent years, and lots of disturbances to the school learning mode and curriculum, youth anxiety and depression have become more prominent. The number of changes and uncertainties make it difficult for children and youth to adapt. For example, the suspension of face-to-face teaching has narrowed youths’ social circle and it results in the feeling of loneliness and it affects his/her social development.

What are the consequences of failing to address adolescent mental health conditions?

There are many consequences. Children and youths may not know how to detect one’s own anxiety or depressive symptoms. Some individuals tend to cover up their problems. Parents, teachers, or peers may not easily notice his/her issues which then intensifies a child/youth’s mood problems. This also can then result in a deterioration of the relationship between parent and child. The worst case is that a child/youth becomes suicidal or exhibits self-harm behaviour.

What impact have you seen with adolescents in terms of divorce and the breakdown of the family unit?

Through my experience, I have seen many adolescents struggle due to divorce. Some of the impact which rises up to the surface include:

  • Anxiety and distress
  • Emotional turmoil which results in a deterioration of family relationships
  • Depression
  • Deterioration of academic performance
  • Behavior issues including impulsive behaviour, delinquency and conduct disorders
  • Rebellion including risky behaviour such as early sexual activity and substance abuse
  • Problems that could extend into adulthood and result in substance abuse problems, mental health issues, negative impacts on romantic relationships, family and work.

What can parents do to help their children through divorce?

It is important for parents to keep a strong positive relationship with their children to assist them to cope with a divorce. It’s important not to argue in front of your children and try to avoid custody or visitation disputes altogether. It is also important to remind your children that they did not cause the divorce.

Parents can be open to children’s feelings, keep up on daily routines, and generally keep a close eye on any behavioral changes throughout the divorce process and beyond.

I also recommend parents to try to let their children know that those feelings are completely normal. For the most part, children simply need to understand that parents acknowledge their emotions about the situation.

If your children are angry, allow them to express that and validate those feelings. If they’re confused and full of questions, answer them in a neutral manner without letting any hostility about the divorce seep through. They may not want to verbalize their emotions.

It’s common for daily routines to become more irregular over the course of a divorce or separation. Regular pick-up and drop-off times for school, bedtimes, mealtimes, and other relevant routines will keep children in a range of familiarity, which helps to compensate for the level of change brought by the family divorce.

It’s also crucial to identify any signs of detachment or behavioral change in children. It lets parents know that intervention is necessary. Occasionally, parents can ask their children about their thoughts on the divorce, and reassuring them that they’re still loved and cared for all the same. If children stray from their usual behavior and don’t return to normal after six to eight weeks, it could be time to seek professional help through a child therapist.

In certain litigious divorces, children are asked to provide their input/testimony in divorce. Is this a good idea in your opinion? What negative or positive impact could this have on an adolescent and its potential impact on the relationship(s) between the parents?

It depends on the situation of each case. It may be beneficial that the children’s views or feelings can be taken into account. This is more effective if the child is of sufficient age and capacity. The child must also be able to form an intelligent opinion on the issue of custody.

Sometimes, children giving testimony in divorce might not be effective as a child might advocate for the more permissive parent, as opposed to the one who sets rules and limits.

Testimony in court may bring stress that a child might well avoid. They have to publicly and officially take sides in a divorce case which adds additional stress to a child already having to overcome.

Dr. Wing Kit Choi, PsychiatristAbout Dr. Wing Kit Choi, Forensic Psychiatrist:

Dr. Choi is a forensic psychiatrist at Alpha Clinic in Hong Kong. He is also an honorary associate professor at The University of Hong Kong. Forensic Psychiatry is a subspecialty of psychiatry in which scientific and clinical expertise is applied to legal issues in legal contexts.

Spotlight Profile – Caroline Langston, Global Executive Coach

In this spotlight profile, we are speaking with Caroline Langston, a global executive coach for high performers specializing in the banking, fintech, financial services, family office and law practices.

Caroline has been an executive coach for high performers for more than 12 years and assist individuals change and transition in their careers and lives for performance excellence and purpose.

In her role as a global executive coach, Caroline’s mission is to help high performers improve leadership, communication, focus, clarity and reduce stress.

Thank you for speaking with us today, Caroline.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and training and how you became an executive coach?

I was an Executive Search Consultant, relocating very senior people into new jobs globally. When there are high stakes, such as relocating a global executive and their family into a new role, company, and country this requires staying close to them, executive coaching them and often their family into their new role and a new way of life. These moves can be very stressful for the spouses and children of the executives. I was coaching more and more often. I loved helping these individuals and their families, eventually taking on the role as an Executive Coach full time. I finally started my own business in 2019.

I did my neuro linguistic programming master practitioner and coaching qualifications 12 years ago, and over the last 3 years completed my International Coaching Federation (ICF) qualifications. I have a Certificate in Coaching Mastery, am accredited by the ICF as a Professional Certified Coach and am also a certified Team Coach.

As a global executive coach, can you explain to readers what your job entails and your role in these individual’s lives?

People come to me to make changes in their lives and careers. This might be career acceleration or change via performance coaching. It may be creating a more harmonious work/ life balance, by managing these elements more effectively. It may be to reach a personal development goal they have not managed to achieve themselves. We may work on emotional management as well throughout this. I am their unbiased partner to help them make this change and keep them on track to hit their goal.

This is carried out by a range of conversations, exercises and work which my clients will do in between sessions, such as exploration of possibilities as well as practicing and implementing new strategies to move towards their desired goal/s. They come back to me with the work they have been done, we assess this together and they decide what works, what does not and how to move forward towards their goal effectively.

One aspect of your role as a global executive coach is “divorce prevention.” Can you explain this further and how you assist clients in preventing divorce?

Globally there is higher and higher pressure to perform. Especially in Hong Kong where we have many senior executives working very long hours, there is pressure on the spouse as well as the other family members. I help people who are trying to resolve relationship disparity and imbalances. Coaching them through time and emotional management, helping them with communication and often looking at where they can borrow time to spend with their families. This has been life-changing for many of my clients.

Just to clarify, as an executive coach you are not teaching clients but rather talking to them as an unbiased partner?

This is correct. I am here to ask them those difficult questions they may not want to ask themselves. As I do not have that emotional connection like friends and colleagues, I am not afraid to dive into areas which others may not want to because of those personal relationships. I am completely unbiased and this helps.

You mention “reflective inquiry” – What do you mean by that?

Reflective enquiry is repeating back what they have said. I reflect verbally their words and ask them if this is what they really mean? For example, they may say “I just never seem to get a break to be with my family”. I may reflect back “I hear you are saying you NEVER get a break to be with your family. Is that really true?”. This may help them think about when they DO get a break albeit very short, what is happening during that time and how we can either create more time like that or maximise the time they have. It also helps them hear how hard they are working and how they really need to make that change and take that break.

What’s the difference between executive coach work and therapy?

A therapist may offer solutions to problems and actions to take. I will brainstorm with my client, but they are the ones who choose the solution or action they want to take. A therapist may also decide to talk about the problem in more depth, I move towards goals and outcomes. I help my clients clearly see the action they may need to take to move forward to their desired outcome.

Based on your experience it would then seem to appear that there can be much said about divorce prevention and working hard to make necessary adjustments. Is that correct?

Absolutely. The key is addressing any issue as soon as it arises. Ensuring there is great communication and finding out what the best possible outcome is for the whole family. Sometimes it just takes a conversation with your spouse or a slight change in time management. Sometimes it is setting that clear intention to make the change and then acting on it. This can be key to saving a relationship or a marriage.

About Caroline Langston, Global Executive Coach:

Caroline is a certified and accredited Global Executive Coach and has over 12 years’ experience of working with high performing individuals. Caroline specializes in the financial services, banking, fintech, family office and law practices.

Caroline’s mission as a global executive coach is to improve leadership, communication, focus, clarity and reduce stress and ultimately assist individuals to find purpose in their career/life.

Caroline uses a combination of traditional coaching, mindfulness-based coaching and neurolinguistic programming practices.

Caroline is based in Hong Kong but originally hails from the United Kingdom.

Spotlight Profile – Dr. Bryan Ho, Psychologist

In this spotlight profile, we are speaking to Dr. Bryan Ho, a Chartered Psychologist. Dr. Ho was formally trained in Hong Kong and California, USA and received specialization degrees in Clinical Psychology and Trauma Psychology in Hong Kong and US. Dr. Ho’s practice is based in Hong Kong but he has psychologist qualifications both in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Ho has extensive experience in the areas of mental health. Dr. Ho has been a teaching faculty of psychiatric nursing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2012 and is now the Deputy Program Leader of the Bachelor of Mental Health Nursing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Dr. Ho, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and training?

The reason I started my career in nursing as an undergraduate degree was due to a family issue. Nursing allowed me to lead a good quality of life at that time as it was during the 1997 financial Tsunami that Hong Kong had faced and it was revealed that there was need for nurses in the workforce.

After I graduated, I worked as a nurse for many years but then decided to pursue a second career in psychology as I had always had such a strong interest in psychology since I was very young. Psychology is an interesting line of work because it allows you to study the mind of a person and to understand.

You received a specialization training in Trauma Psychology. Can you tell us more about this and how it has expanded into your practice in Hong Kong?

Scientific research provides a clear explanation on how trauma psychology helps in healing a person who experiences trauma and loss. For example, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EDMR) therapy is a form of evidence based intervention specifically developed for reducing the power of traumatic memories.

When it comes to my professional practice, I will tailor approaches differently depending on my patient’s physical and mental condition and will find ways that could maximize the benefits towards them.

I undergo a comprehensive clinical interview with the client and get him/her to reacquaint themselves with the trauma and may revisit it to help the patient understand the trauma. This could help to alleviate their stress.

Despite from my training in cognitive therapy and psychodynamic therapy, I also enjoy helping my client from the perspective of bio-psychology. For example, taking a deep breath. An autonomic nervous system helps to regulate certain body processes, including rate of breathing and heart rate as such, this could help to relieve the problem and your mental health through regulating your emotions effectively.

If you are experiencing a complicated relationship or have broken up with your partner, stay in the “here and now” and talk to someone, whether it be a friend or a professional and before it gets worse.

Many individuals go through divorce and unfortunately, for some, this could be considered a life trauma as many describe divorce as going through a family death. How do you counsel those struggling with issues related to divorce?

I will try to engage in conversation and develop a therapeutic relationship with the clients, and of course to develop trust. This first allows me to understand the situation and to facilitate the process of therapeutic changes.

In case an individual is having a hard time during the divorce process, and they are desperately in need of some resources to support themselves, I would highly recommend them to seek assistance from a professional. These professional helpers include but are not limited to psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, psychiatric nurses, and pastors (with relevant training). In the event that they are less comfortable in speaking to a professional and prefer to do some online research, I would suggest that they only look for those reliable resources prepared by reputable institutions, such as The National Health Service, The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong or materials from educational institutions.

An important area of discord between parents is how to raise the children and co-parent after a divorce. What key issues do you see between parents during such struggles?

Divorcing parents can be irrational because of the emotions wrapped up in a divorce. It is wrong to use children as a weapon in divorce or separation and it is important for parents to understand that this harms the child in immense ways.

Children can sense a parent’s emotions and detect tension in the people who care for them, even as young as toddlers. If a parent cannot control their emotions and it erupts into an argument in front of a child, it is suggested to take a deep breath and calm down yourself, before carrying on the discussion. We should have the ability to manage our emotions, but we just forget to use these abilities temporarily. This means that we are able to undergo a discussion in a peaceful manner when we resume our control over our emotions.

What advice do you have for parents who are trying to co-parent amidst a divorce? What do you recommend for parents so that they can successfully navigate healthy parenting post-divorce?

Parents must try to understand each other’s limitation and strengths. They should also be rational and avoid using their children as weapons in a divorce. And parents should also remember that it’s okay to reach out to professionals when in need and that includes mediators, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, counselors, and religious professionals.

About Dr. Bryan Ho, Chartered Psychologist:

Bryan HoDr. Ho is a Chartered Psychologist and focuses on health care.

Dr. Ho received an undergraduate degree in psychiatric nursing from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and received postgraduate degrees in Trauma Psychology and Clinical Psychology in Hong Kong and US.

Apart from his role as a chartered psychologist, Dr. Ho has extensive experience in teaching psychiatric nursing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2012. Dr. Ho is now the Deputy Program Leader of the Bachelors of Mental Health Nursing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Children’s Views in Divorce and Their Mental Health

As part of our series on mental health, we have discussed with several mental health professionals the key to assisting children through divorce and the “new normal” that a child will face in divorce.

One of the key factors in helping to ease the pain a child may go through in divorce as expressed by several mental health professionals in Hong Kong is to create an open environment for a child to communicate with their parents without the fear of reprimand or shame.

In a divorce, a child may have a lot of questions about what is to come and the uncertainty can sometimes be more frightening then the reality itself.

Here are some tips on how to ease the burden of divorce upon your child and some of the key questions your child may have throughout the daunting process:

Will A Child Have A Voice In Divorce?:  One of the key questions a child may have in the divorce process is whether his/her wishes and desires will be considered in the decision-making process or whether the child will simply have to follow along with what the parents and the courts decide for his/her life. Whilst it is appropriate for a young child to have the parents make the necessary decisions in their best interests, an older child may be allowed to voice their wishes and desires in the Family Court proceedings. In Hong Kong, the Family Courts will appoint a Social Welfare Officer to assist in the decision-making process of the Judge to determine what is in a child’s best interest. This is done through various in-depth interviews with the child and in some cases, by having psychological reports conducted. Generally speaking, it is always an ideal situation if the parents can agree on the best interests of the child rather than having Court-appointed strangers make the decision for them. Thus, this brings in the importance of having healthy co-parenting relationships in order to make compromised and healthy decisions for the children of the family. Many times, having open communication with your child will assist in the decision-making process of the parents because the child’s wishes are respected and taken into consideration.

Parental Disputes Should Not Be Resolved Through A Child: Many times, children are caught in the middle of parental disputes especially when the parents cannot get along and are fighting a legal battle in the Family Court. The worst thing parents can do is drag the child into the litigation. Many times, this is done by the parents discussing the divorce with the child, asking for emotional support from the child about the divorce and bad-mouthing the other parent so as to alienate the child from the other parent. It is important for a child to understand that the divorce is an adult issue to be discussed and resolved between the two parents. It is not for children to become involved in the divorce or be used as pawns in the negotiation process of the divorce. Children should not be seen or used as messengers and thus, any necessary communication should be between the parents and not through the child. Whilst it may be tempting to use a child as a weapon in a divorce, it is important for parents to do their best to refrain from such behaviour and instead find that support from other adults it be solicitors, barristers, friends or other family members. Children are not designed to handle the burdens of a divorce and such trauma could result in disruptive behaviours, anxiety and other psychological issues.

Healthy Co-Parenting Means Healthy Children: Having a healthy co-parenting relationship provides a child with an example of how broken families can still function in a respectful, friendly and loving way. Healthy co-parenting means respectful language is used when communicating with the other parent, refusing to bad-mouth the other parent when disappointed by the other parent’s actions and keeping adult conversations between the adults. Healthy co-parenting also means respecting the other person’s time and encouraging a relationship between the child and the other parent. In a divorce, one of the key concerns that a child may have is whether they will be able to spend time with the other parent (the non-custodial parent). In Hong Kong, one parent is typically provided with “care and control” and this parent is usually the primary caregiver on a day-to-day basis. The other parent is granted “access” and is considered by the Family Court, the “non-custodial parent.” When the non-custodial parent is granted “access” to the child, the primary parent should facilitate access so that the child can spend time with the other parent as agreed or by the Court order. Making access difficult not only creates tension between the parents but it also places an overwhelming burden on the child who then believes he/she must pick sides between the parents.

Whilst divorce is a difficult process for adults, the children also suffer greatly and they also must process the change. Children need their parents to help them through the process and cannot rely on themselves to get through the ordeal. Thus, if you need assistance through the divorce, speak to friends, family and professionals to help you navigate the challenges. Speaking with your solicitor will also be helpful as your solicitor has seen many families through a divorce and can provide you with useful tips on how to navigate the challenges that you face and the challenges that your children face.

Spotlight Profile – Dr. Henry Kwok, Psychiatrist

In this spotlight profile, we are speaking to Dr. Henry Kwok, a Hong Kong based psychiatrist with special interests in the mental health of children and adolescents, as well as individuals with intellectual disabilities. He also provides psychiatric examinations and medical reports for the Courts in Hong Kong.  Dr. Kwok serves many Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), special school, patient support groups and parent associations in Hong Kong

Dr. Kwok, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and training?

I received my basic medical and psychiatric training in Hong Kong. Then I undertook specialist training at various institutes and hospitals in Hong Kong, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and in the USA. My work as a service head, clinician, researcher and academic in the field of psychiatry extends back to three decades. Internationally, I have served organizations including the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Currently I am a psychiatrist in private practice.

Your interest is on mental health and you have worked with children and adolescents in Hong Kong.  Can you tell us more about your experience with this age group and what challenges children and adolescents are facing in Hong Kong at this time?

I have seen children and adolescents with all sorts of emotional and behavioural problems. There is also a group with special educational needs such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

It is certainly a very challenging period of time for children in Hong Kong.  There are many pressures that children face in Hong Kong and I can name a few that are exceptionally highlighted in our society.  I think the most important challenge children face is academic.  There is so much pressure on the academic side in Hong Kong because parents and teachers push students to work hard and get good grades.  In Hong Kong there is also societal stress related to competition that children encounter among their peers and through various social media and this can cause conflict with their parents.

Another significant stress for children is family conflicts.  There is a high rate of divorce in Hong Kong and before parents divorce, there is usually a long period of time where marital discord affects the emotional and psychological development of children.  The living space in Hong Kong is also very small and many children live in partitioned flats and/or public housing and so they may not have sufficient private space to study and play and this can affect their mental well-being. The excessive use of the internet by children is another source of clashes between parents and their children.

Finance is also a big stress right now in Hong Kong especially with Covid-19 as parents are under stress to meet not only the material needs of their children but also other areas such as extra-curricular activities. We also know in Hong Kong there are recent waves of families leaving Hong Kong so children have to prepare to face new environments where there are language and cultural differences.

It has been reported that Hong Kong is seeing a record number of suicides.  From your review and analysis, what do you think is the root cause of this problem and what can be done to help those who are struggling mentally?

When children and adolescents are under tremendous stress, they might not have adequate coping strategies and support from their parents or teachers.  There are parents who may not be sensitive to their children’s emotional needs and some parents use the wrong methods to discipline or relate to their children. This may result in children and adolescents becoming excessively anxious or worried and this can further lead to depressed moods and feelings of hopelessness or uselessness.  What follows from this is that a child may begin to develop self-harm behaviours or suicidal thoughts. I have seen a girl of age 4 who voiced that she wanted to die and jump out of the window when she was emotionally upset.

Help has to be tailor-made and individualized with an overall assessment not only of the child but of the whole family because parents are very important in supporting the child in such circumstances. If parents are not adequate and not skillful, we have to teach them to improve their parenting skills and also find some professional assistance for them. We may refer them to psychologists and/or social workers for further therapy or advice.

Divorce is considered a traumatic event both for the individuals going through a divorce, but also for the children/adolescents involved. What key issues have you observed with children/adolescents going through their parents’ divorce?

In a divorce, there are positive and negative sides to it.  On the positive side, it is an end to an unhappy marriage and the child is no longer exposed to the conflict on a day-to-day basis.  On the negative side, one of the parents will live apart from the child and it simply becomes a reality that the live-out parent will not spend as much time as they once did with the children.  It becomes extremely destructive if one parent engages in parental alienation and refuses the other parent to see the child or bad-mouths the parents to the child.  This is a big problem as it paints a bad image to the child and the child then becomes confused as to whether the other parent still loves them.  This may generate feelings of uncertainty and anxiety within a child and could then result in academic failures, disruptive behaviours or even substance abuse (for older children). Parents must therefore be aware that the child is the victim of divorce.

What advice can you give parents who are struggling with divorce and who are trying to help their children come to terms with the “new normal” of a broken family unit?

As a psychiatrist, the purpose is to minimize emotional harm to the child so they can continue to have normal development as much as possible.  This involves communication with the parents and to include other professionals of other disciplines who could assist in helping to re-build the family again post-divorce.

What is most important is the child’s overall well-being and so it is our hope that the parents will always remember to put their child’s best-interest first even if the marriage breaks down.   A key way to help ease the burden among a child is for parents to remain active and present in their life.

What advice do you have for parents who are trying to co-parent amidst a divorce?  What do you recommend for parents so that they can successfully navigate healthy parenting post-divorce?

I think it is not easy to co-parent especially if the anger and resentment carry on after the divorce.  However, it’s important not to see or treat the other parent as an enemy since the focus is on the child and the best interests of the child should be respected.  If there are issues communicating, it might be wise to employ a middle man who can help in communication and if the child is old enough, invite the child into important decision-making to at least provide them with a voice to speak about their desires and wishes and to allow both parents to receive that information directly from the child him/herself.

Dr. Henry W M Kwok

Dr Henry Kwok Psychiatrist


M.B.,B.S.(HK), MRCPsych, FHKCPsych, FHKAM(Psychiatry), FRCPsych
Room 821, 8/F, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Hong Kong